Farm Plot Interest Form

If you are interested in hosting a farm plot in part of your yard, please fill out this form and we will get in touch soon. Our ability to start new farm plots depends on volunteer and funding availability. If you are able to support the process either with your labor or financially, please indicate that in the comment field.

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Farm Hand Volunteer Interest Form

Interested in helping out on farm work days? You’re in the right place.

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We may need your number in order to coordinate volunteering on farm work days.

Long-Term Volunteer Interest Form

Hoping to take on one of the farm’s long-term volunteer needs. Look no further!

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Kitchen-to-Chickens Interest Form

Got food scraps that you want to feed to the chickens? Fill this form out. When the program is up and running, you’ll get a notice.

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Can you pick up buckets weekly and deliver them to the chickens on N Farragut St?